Happy Endings


Izzy loves her new family!


Just a quick note to let you know how well Izzy (formerly Lassie) is settling into her new home with us. She spends her days with my husband Paul as he works from home split up with a couple of walks through the woods. Izzy now also joins Paul on his runs a few times a week, on Sunday they managed 12 miles! I have been taking her to training classes and am seeing good results, we are both learning a lot. Our two boys dote on her, she is the first thing they ask about when they wake up in the morning. I've attached a photo of her snuggled in with them watching the television after school. 


We still haven't left her in the house on her own but she's had some spells in the car on her own and has been really calm. She still finds things to chew when she's feeling mischievous but she now has a few favourite dog toys to keep her happy.


I am very grateful to you all for your help in matching us with Izzy


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